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Moose Legion

Dedicated members of the Loyal Order of Moose continually look for ways to provide even greater service to our children at Mooseheart and our senior members at Moosehaven. The Moose Legion provides a venue for these enthusiastic members to direct and lead special programs that accomplish this fraternal mission.
Moose Legionnaires come from all walks of life and occupations. They are leaders in their communities and they prevail in positions of responsibility and leadership within the Moose fraternity. Each Moose Legionnaire believes strongly in doing some good thing for someone each day (
Limberlost #18
Hoosier Heart #27
Moose Trail #36
Victory #48
Ray Gibbens #77
Wabash Valley #90
Pottawottamie #94
Tippecanoe #96
Clifty Falls #109
White River #120
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